Cassie Eng, PhD

Developmental Cognitive Neuroscientist at Stanford University with a focus on Human-Centered Technology

Stanford University

2022 - present | Neurodevelopment & Computational Psychiatry, NIH T32 Postdoctoral Scholar

Carnegie Mellon University

2016 - 2022 | Psychology & Cognitive Neuroscience, PIER & CNBC Fellow
Cassie Eng portrait

My mission statement is to develop evidence-based, adaptive immersive contexts that enrich learning experiences, accounting for individual differences in attention. I investigate how emerging digital technologies shape cognitive, brain, and physical health from early childhood through adulthood, and how we can promote accessibility to underresourced communities.

Key Research Questions

How can we leverage advances in noninvasive portable sensor systems such as mobile functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and eye-tracking to uncover the neurophysiological processes underlying behavior?

Computer with brain and open notebook

Rotating frontal lobe
Rotating frontal lobe
Brain holding
Brain holding

!real human brain!

How can we apply foundational learning science theories in neuroscience and psychology to enrich cognitive development with technology?

Child head with connected brain

As the use of digital games and extended realities vastly increases, research on the best practices is needed.

nephew laughing with keyboard
nephew playing with game controller
nephew trying on VR headset

Photos Courtesy of Aaron Kehoe