
    Publications, Conference Presentations, & Invited Talks:

    *Denotes student or research assistant mentored; Eng as senior author

  1. Eng, C.M., *Tsegai-Moore, A., & Fisher, A. (2024). Incorporating Evidence-Based Gamification and Machine Learning to Assess Preschool Executive Function: A Feasibility Study. Brain Sciences, 14(5), 451. [Full Access].

  2. Blumberg, F.C., Flynn, R.M., Homer, B.D., Bailey, J.O., Eng, C.M., Green, C.S., Giannakos, M., Papadakis, S., & Gentile, D.A. (2024). Current state of play: Children’s learning in the context of digital games. Journal of Children and Media, 1-7. [Full Access].

  3. Eng, C.M., Flynn, R., Thiessen, E., & Fisher, A. (2023). A Literature Review on the Effects of Exergames on Executive Function in Youth. Technology, Mind, Behavior, 4(3). [Full Access]. Video Abstract.

  4. Eng, C.M., *Fulton, V., *Moron, S., *Pocsai, M., Thiessen, E., & Fisher, A. (2022). Longitudinal investigation of executive function development employing task‐based, teacher reports, and fNIRS multimethodology in 4‐to 5‐year‐old children. Developmental Science, 25(6), e13328. [Full Access]. [Wiley Top Downloaded Article Publication in Developmental Science Certificate of Achievement]. The data reported and the scripts used to analyze these data can be found in the Open Science Framework repository.

  5. *Boyd, M., Godwin, K., *Gurchiek, E., Fisher, A., †Eng, C.M. (2022). Low Spatial Proximity Between Text and Illustrations Improves Children’s Comprehension and Attention: An Eye Tracking Study. Cognitive Science Society, 44, 2178-2184. [Full Access]

  6. Eng, C.M., *Gurchiek, G., *Anjur, K., Godwin, K., & Fisher, A. (2021). The Optimal Amount of Visuals Promotes Children’s Comprehension and Attention: An Eye Tracking Study. Cognitive Science Society, 43, 459-465. [Full Access]

  7. *Tsegai-Moore, A., Fisher, A., & †Eng, C.M. (2021). The Construct and Criterion Validity of a Cognitive Game-based Assessment: Cognitive Control, Academic Achievement, and Prefrontal Cortex Connectivity. Cognitive Science Society, 43, 2787-2793. [Full Access]

  8. Eng, C.M., Godwin, K., *Stanley, O., & Fisher, A. (2021). The Goldilocks Effect in E-Books: An Optimal Amount of Illustrations Promotes Children’s Comprehension and Attention. [Paper Symposium: When Technology is Here to Stay: Maximizing the Potential of E-Books for Learning in Young Childhood] Chair: Eng, C. Invited Speakers: Bus, A., University of Stavanger; Hirsh-Pasek, K., Temple University; Barr, R., Georgetown University. The Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.

  9. Eng, C.M., Godwin, K., & Fisher, A. (2020). Keep it simple: streamlining book illustrations improves attention and comprehension in beginning readers. Nature Science of Learning, 5(14), 1-10. [Full Access] [Carnegie Mellon University Roberta Klatzky Outstanding Publication Award Recipient]. The data reported and the scripts used to analyze these data can be found in the Open Science Framework repository.

  10. Eng, C.M., Godwin, K., & Fisher, A. (2020). When Less is More in an Increasingly Busy World. Nature: Behind the Paper. []

  11. Eng, C.M., *Pocsai, M., *Calkosz, D., Fishburn, F., Thiessen, E., & Fisher, A. (2020). Adaptations of Executive Function and Prefrontal Cortex Connectivity Following Exergame Play in 4- to 5-year old Children. Cognitive Science Society, 42, 57-63. [Full Access]

  12. Eng, C.M., *Calkosz, D., *Yang, Y., *Williams, C., Thiessen, E., & Fisher, A. (2020). Enhancing Brain Plasticity and Cognition utilizing Immersive Technology and Virtual Reality Contexts for Gameplay. IEEE Immersive Learning Research Network, 6, 395-398. [Full Access] [Video Abstract]

  13. Eng, C.M., Tomasic, A. S., & Thiessen, E. D. (2020). Contingent responsivity in E-books modeled from quality adult-child interactions: Effects on children’s learning and attention. Developmental Psychology, 56(2), 285–297. [Full Access]. The data reported and the scripts used to analyze these data can be found in the Open Science Framework repository.

  14. Eng, C.M., *Pocsai, M., *Williams, N., *Calkosz, D., Thiessen, E., & Fisher, A. (2019). Exergame Training of Executive Function in Preschool Children: Generalizability and Long-term Effects. Cognitive Science Society, 41 3266, Montréal: Canada. [Full Access]

  15. Godwin, K., Eng, C.M., Murray, G., & Fisher, A. (2019). Book Design, Attention, and Reading Performance: Current Practices and Opportunities for Optimization. Cognitive Science Society, 41, 1851-1857, Montréal: Canada. [Full Access]

  16. Eng, C.M., Tomasic, A., & Thiessen, E. (2018). Contingent Responsiveness in Digital Storybooks: Effects on Children’s Comprehension and the Role of Individual Differences in Attention. Cognitive Science Society, 40, 342-347. [Full Access]

  17. Godwin, K., Eng, C.M., Todaro, R., Murray, G., & Fisher, A. (2018). Examination of the Role of Book Layout, Executive Function, and Processing Speed on Children’s Reading Fluency and Comprehension. Cognitive Science Society, 40, 1723-1728. [Full Access]

  18. Eng, C.M., Godwin, K., *Boyle, K., & Fisher, A. (2018). Effects of Illustration Details on Attention and Comprehension in Beginning Readers. Cognitive Science Society, 40,, 336-341. [Full Access]

  19. Eng, C.M., Tomasic, A., & Thiessen, E. (2018). Contingent Responsiveness in Digital Books: Effects on Children’s Comprehension and Attention. The 48th Jean Piaget Society: The Dynamics of Development: Process, Inter-Action, & Complexity, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [Full Access]

  20. Godwin, K., Eng, C.M., & Fisher, A. (2017). Gaze Shifts between Text and Illustrations are Negatively Related to Reading Fluency in Beginning Readers. Cognitive Science Society, 39, 415-420, London, UK. [Full Access]

  21. 1 / 23
    the 48th Jean Piaget Society: The Dynamics of Development: Process, Inter-Action, & Complexity, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
    2 / 23
    The 41st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Montréal, Canada.
    3 / 23
    The 41st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Montréal, Canada with Collaborator Melissa Pocsai.
    4 / 23
    The 52nd International Society for Developmental Psychobiology Meeting/The 50th Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Chicago, IL.
    5 / 23
    The 50th Society for Neuroscience Meeting with fellow Graduate Students Roberto Vargas and Pierre Gianferrara, Chicago, IL.
    6 / 23
    Invited Speaker at the National Science Foundation (NSF)-sponsored Conference: Game-based Assessment: An Interdisciplinary Workshop Integrating Organizations, Education, and Assessment, Minneapolis, MN.
    7 / 23
    Invited Speaker at the National Science Foundation (NSF)-sponsored Conference: Game-based Assessment: An Interdisciplinary Workshop Integrating Organizations, Education, and Assessment, Minneapolis, MN.
    8 / 23
    Invited Speaker at the National Science Foundation (NSF)-sponsored Conference: Game-based Assessment: An Interdisciplinary Workshop Integrating Organizations, Education, and Assessment, Minneapolis, MN.
    9 / 23
    The Graduate School of Public Health Training Grant Retreat in Population Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh with collaborator Melissa Pocsai
    10 / 23
    The International Conference on Immersive Learning, Virtual Conference Online and in Virtual Reality, Cognitive Development Lab
    11 / 23
    The International Conference on Immersive Learning, Virtual Conference Online and in Virtual Reality, Talk
    12 / 23
    The International Conference on Immersive Learning, Virtual Conference Online and in Virtual Reality, Poster Presentation
    13 / 23
    The Society for Research in Child Development Meeting, Baltimore, MD
    14 / 23
    The 51st International Society for Developmental Psychobiology Meeting, San Diego, CA
    15 / 23
    The 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Madison, WI
    16 / 23
    Carnegie Mellon University’s 2018 Meeting of the Minds Undergraduate Research Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA
    17 / 23
    The Cognitive Development Society Conference, Portland, OH
    18 / 23
    The Jean Piaget Society Annual Meeting: Technologies & Human Development, San Francisco, CA
    19 / 23
    The 49th International Society for Developmental Psychobiology Meeting, San Diego, CA
    20 / 23
    The Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, LA
    21 / 23
    The 42nd Annual Virtual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society
    22 / 23
    Invited Speaker in virtual reality at the Career Professional Development in VR Series: How Active VR Games Contribute to Learning Symposium
    23 / 23
    Invited Speaker in virtual reality at the Career Professional Development in VR Series: How Active VR Games Contribute to Learning Symposium

  22. *Fung, H. [Brain & Behavior Science Poster Competition Entrant], *Niemi, S., *Morón, S., Reiss, A.L., Chin, B.N., & †Eng, C.M. (2025). Exercise-Based Virtual Reality Intervention Performance and Changes in Brain Hemodynamics using Optical Neuroimaging. American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.

  23. *Niemi, S. [Stanford University Bio-X Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship Recipient], *Fung, H. *Morón, S., Reiss, A.L., & †Eng, C.M. (2025). Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Elucidates Brain Activity and Cognitive Function during Active Virtual Reality. American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.

  24. *Brand, O., Thiessen, E., Woolford, J., Willard, A., & †Eng, C.M. (2024). Individual Differences in Physical Activity Enjoyment from Exercise-Based Virtual Reality. SUNY Upstate Medical University Charles R. Ross Memorial Student Research Day, Syracuse, NY.

  25. *Niemi, S. [Stanford University Bio-X Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship Recipient], *Fung, H. *Morón, S., Reiss, A.L., & †Eng, C.M. (2024). Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Elucidates Brain Activity and Cognitive Function during Active Virtual Reality. Bio-X Interdisciplinary Seed Grants Symposium and Poster Session, Stanford, CA.

  26. *Fung, H., *Niemi, S., *Morón, S., Reiss, A.L., & †Eng, C.M. (2024). Exercise-Based Virtual Reality Intervention Performance and Changes in Brain Hemodynamics using Optical Neuroimaging. Bio-X Interdisciplinary Initiatives Seed Grants Symposium and Poster Session, Stanford, CA.

  27. Eng, C.M. (2024). VR in Neuroscience: How Immersive Games Impact the Brain. Invited Speaker at Stanford’s Medical Humanities Video Games for Health Program, Stanford, CA.

  28. Eng, C.M., *Hassan, N. [Stanford University Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute NeURO Fellowship Recipient], Kwasa, J., *Wandless, E., Gao, Y., & Reiss, A.L. (2024). Phenotypic Inclusion using fNIRS and Increasing Equity in Basic Cognitive Developmental Neuroscience Research. The Cognitive Developmental Society Conference, Pasadena, CA. Video Presentation.

  29. Eng, C.M. (2024). Utility of fNIRS to Investigate Cognitive and Brain Functioning in Real-World Contexts. Invited speaker at Yale University’s Department of Psychiatry, New Haven, CT. Moderators: Bond, A. & Powers, A.

  30. Eng, C.M. (2024). Active Immersive Interventions to Promote Cognitive and Brain Development. Invited speaker at Stanford University’s Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Stanford, CA. Moderator: Caruso, T.

  31. Chair & Discussant: Eng, C.M. (2023). [Stanford University Bio-X Travel Award Recipient] Theory- and Evidence-Driven Video Game Factors that Promote Cognitive Skills & Learning Across Development. The Jean Piaget Society: Bringing Theory to the Forefront of Developmental Neuroscience, Madrid, Spain. Invited Speakers: Homer, B. The City University of New York; Flynn, R. San Francisco State University; Rahimi, S.A., University of Florida.

  32. Eng, C.M. (2023). Obtaining Postdoctoral Researcher Positions for Career Success. Invited Speaker at Carnegie Mellon University Department of Psychology’s Professional Development Seminar Series, Pittsburgh, PA. Moderator: Helgeson, V.

  33. Eng, C.M. (2023). Leveraging Educational Neuroscience to Optimize Digital Media that Promotes Executive Function Development and Underlying Neural Substrates. Invited Speaker at Stanford University’s Department of Psychology, Stanford, CA.

  34. *Brand, O. [1st Place Sigma Xi Presentation Competition both University-Wide and College-Wide Awardee], Thiessen, E., Woolford, J., Willard, A. & †Eng, C.M. (2023). Individual Differences in Physical Activity Enjoyment from Exercise-Based Virtual Reality. Carnegie Mellon University Meeting of the Minds Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA.

  35. Eng, C.M. (2023). Leveraging Educational Neuroscience to Optimize Active Gameplay Contexts that Promote Executive Function Skills and Brain Plasticity. Invited speaker at The Science of Learning Symposium sponsored by the Jacobs Foundation at The Flux Society Conference Symposium, Santa Rosa, CA. Moderator: Nugiel, T.

  36. *Wandless, E. [Stanford University Bio-X Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship Recipient], *Hassan, N. *Moron, S., Gao, Y., Reiss, A.L., & †Eng, C.M. (2023). Optimizing Portable Neuroimaging Techniques in Clinical Settings with Humans in Motion. Bio-X Interdisciplinary Initiatives Seed Grants Symposium and Poster Session, Stanford, CA.

  37. *Hassan, N.[Stanford University Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute NeURO Fellowship Recipient], *Wandless, E., *Moron, S., Gao, Y., Reiss, A.L., & †Eng, C.M. (2023). Hair Me Out: Phenotypic Inclusion using fNIRS and Increasing Equity in Neuroscience. Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute NeURO Fellowship Symposium, Stanford, CA.

  38. Chair & Discussant: Eng, C.M. [SRCD Early Career Research Contributions Award Recipient] (2023). Unifying Neurobiological, Computational, Environmental, and Clinical Studies to Advance Developmental Research: A Multimethodological Approach. The Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Salt Lake City, UT. Invited Speakers: Benton, D. Vanderbilt University; Dopierala, A.O., The University of British Columbia; Strouse, G., University of South Dakota.

  39. Eng, C.M. (2023). Executive Functioning, Prefrontal Cortex Development, and Technology. Invited Speaker at The University of Connecticut’s Department of Psychological Sciences, Mansfield, CT. Moderator: Jonas, M.

  40. *Brand, O. [Elizabeth W. Jones Award for Excellence in Experimental Computational Biology Research], Woolford, J., & †Eng, C.M. (2023). Individual Differences in Physical Activity Enjoyment and Cardiovascular Fitness from Exercise-Based Virtual Reality. Carnegie Mellon University Department of Biological Sciences Honors Research Thesis Symposium, The Mellon Institute, PA.

  41. *Bulusu, M. [Carnegie Mellon University Small Undergraduate Research Grant/Crosswalk Funding Recipient], *Brand, O., *Bodden, C., Thiessen, E., & †Eng, C.M. (2023). [CDS Diversity Travel Award Recipient] Improvements in Attention from Cognitively Engaging Exercise-Based Virtual Reality Contexts. Carnegie Mellon University Meeting of the Minds Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA.

  42. Eng, C.M. (2023). Immersive Game-based Exercise Interventions to Improve Brain and Cognitive Functioning. Invited Speaker at Trinity College’s Department of Psychology, Hardford, CT. Moderator: Chin, B.

  43. Eng, C.M. [Stanford University Bio-X Conference Travel Award Recipient], *Brand, O., *Bulusu, M., *Bodden, C., *Bachar, S., *Prasad, A., Thiessen, E., Fisher, A., & Reiss, A.L. (2023). Promoting Cognitive, Motor, and Brain Development in Enriching Virtual Reality Contexts for Gameplay. The Jean Piaget Society: Bringing Theory to the Forefront of Developmental Neuroscience, Madrid, Spain.

  44. Eng, C.M. [SRCD Early Career Research Contributions Award Recipient], Li, R., *Bachar, S., Bartholomay, K., Lee, C., Piccirilli, A., Lightbody, A., Reiss, A.L. (2023). Executive Function and Neural Patterns using fNIRS in Girls with Fragile X Syndrome and Matched Control Peers: A Multimethodological Behavioral, Clinical, & Neurophysiological Approach. The Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Salt Lake City, UT.

  45. *Boyd, M., Godwin, K., Fisher, A., & †Eng, C.M. (2022). [National Science Foundation (NSF)-sponsored CDS Diversity Travel Award Recipient] Decreasing Spatial Proximity Between Text and Illustrations Improves Children’s Comprehension and Attention: An Eye Tracking Study. The Cognitive Development Society Conference, Madison, WI.

  46. Eng, C.M. (2022). Leveraging Educational Neuroscience to Optimize Technology-Enhanced Contexts that Promote Physical Fitness, Executive Function, and Brain Development. Invited Speaker at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Chapel Hill, NC.

  47. Eng, C.M. (2022). Immersive Exercise Contexts to Promote Neurological, Cognitive, and Physical Health. Invited Speaker at Stanford University’s Computational Imaging Lab/Center for Image Systems Engineering, Stanford, CA. Moderator: Wetzstein, G.

  48. Eng, C.M. (2022). Employing Cognitive Neuroscience to Optimize XR Contexts to Improve Cognitive & Physical Wellness. Invited Speaker at The WEBXR Education Summit, Findings on the Effectiveness of XR for Education Panel. Moderator: Alexander, K.

  49. Eng, C.M. (2022). Adding Physical Activity to Digital Games: Fostering Self-Regulation Skills and Brain Development. Invited Speaker at The Children’s School 3-K Educators Professional Development Series, Pittsburgh, PA. Moderator: Carver, S.

  50. Eng, C.M. [National Science Foundation (NSF)-sponsored CDS Diversity Travel Award Recipient], Thiessen, E., Fisher, A. (2022). Fostering executive function and prefrontal cortex development through combined cognitive-exercise contexts in preschool-aged children: an fNIRS study. The Cognitive Developmental Society Conference, Madison, WI.

  51. Eng, C.M., Godwin, K., Fisher, A. (2022). Leveraging cognitive principles in multimedia learning to optimize e-books for children's attention and comprehension: Evidence from eye tracking. Invited Speaker at the Cognitive Developmental Society Digital Media and Cognitive Development Preconference Workshop, Madison, WI. Moderators: Choi, K & Kirkorian, K.

  52. *Ma, A. [Carnegie Mellon University Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Recipient], *Bulusu, M., *Bodden, C., *Lee, E., *Brand, O., *McAfee, M., Thiessen, E., Fisher, A., & †Eng, C.M. (2022). Improving Physical and Cognitive Wellness through Combined Exercise and Attention-Enhancing Immersive Virtual Reality Experiences Carnegie Mellon University’s Meeting of the Minds Undergraduate Research Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA.

  53. Eng, C.M. (2021). Combined Exercise with Cognitive Training Fosters Prefrontal Cortex and Executive Function Development in 4- to 5-year-old Children. Invited speaker at University of Massachusetts Boston’s Developmental & Brain Sciences Labs. Moderator: Blankenship, T.

  54. Eng, C.M., Thiessen, E., & Fisher, A. (2021). Enhancing Executive Function Through Multimodal Play: A Brain Plasticity Application of Combined Physical Exercise with Simultaneous Cognitive Training. Harvard University’s Women in Psychology Annual Trends in Psychology Summit, Boston, MA.

  55. *Boyd, M. [ABRCMS Top Presentation Award Recipient], Godwin, K., Fisher, A., & †Eng, C. (2021). The Effects of Spatial Proximity Between Text and Visuals on Comprehension and Attentional Processes: An Eye-Tracking Study. The Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students.

  56. *Miller, C. [Eunice Kennedy Shriver NIH (NICHD), Division of Developmental Neuroscience in Psychiatry at Columbia University, John Wiley and Sons Publishing ISDP Travel Award Recipient], Fisher, A., & †Eng, C. (2021). The Digital Age: Investigating the Validity of Automating a Cognitive Control Task in Preschool-Aged Children with fNIRS and a Clinical Assessment. The 54th International Society for Developmental Psychobiology Meeting, Chicago, IL. [ISDP 2021 People’s Choice Poster Award Recipient]

  57. *Miller, C., Fisher, A., & †Eng, C. (2021). Effects of an Automated Stroop-Like Assessment on Prefrontal Cortex Connectivity and Related Cognitive Control in Childhood. The Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students.

  58. *Boyd, M. [Eunice Kennedy Shriver NIH (NICHD), Division of Developmental Neuroscience in Psychiatry at Columbia University, John Wiley and Sons Publishing ISDP Travel Award Recipient], *Gurchiek, E., Godwin, K., Fisher, A., & †Eng, C. (2021). Children’s Attention Allocation and Learning: An Eye-Tracking Study on Storybook Layout Design. The International Society for Developmental Psychobiology Meeting, Chicago, IL. [ISDP 2021 People’s Choice Poster Award Recipient]

  59. Eng, C.M., *Boyd, M., Godwin, K., Fisher, A. (2021). Designing Storybooks to Improve Children’s Attention and Reading Comprehension: An Eye-Tracking Study. The Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation’s Teaching and Learning Summit, Carnegie Mellon University.

  60. Eng, C.M. (2021). Applying theories in developmental science to enrich the experiences children have with technology and educational media. Invited Speaker at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University’s Cognition, Affect, & Psychophysiology (CAP) Lab. Moderator: Bell, M.A.

  61. Eng, C.M. (2021). Employing Neuroscience to Optimize Child-Computer Interactions to Enhance Learning and Cognition. Invited Speaker at the House of Assessment & Evaluation Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN). Moderators: Ziker, C. & Alexander, K.

  62. Eng, C.M. (2021). Technology-enhanced Exercise as a Context for Fostering Executive Function and Prefrontal Cortex Development. Invited Speaker as Stanford University’s Center for Interdisciplinary Brain Sciences Research. Moderator: Reiss, A.

  63. Eng, C.M. [GSA/Provost Carnegie Mellon University Presentation Award Recipient], *Pocsai, M., Thiessen, E., & Fisher, A. (2021). Physical Activity in Cognitive Training: The Missing Ingredient For Fostering Executive Function and PFC Development. The Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.

  64. Eng, C.M. & Vargas, R. (2021). Predicting Abstract Concepts in the Brain Utilizing Complex Computational Methodologies. Carnegie Mellon University’s Methodologies for Emergent Communal Hemispherectomies as a Nonparametric Identity Self-Measurement (MECHANISM) Conference.

  65. *Moron, S., *Fulton, E., *Anjur, K., *Bulusu, M., *Boyd, M., *Cooper, K., *Lee, E., *Zhang, K., *Brand, O., *McAfee, M., Thiessen, E., Fisher, A., & †Eng, C. (2021). Cognitive Control and Resting-State Prefrontal Cortex Functional Connectivity using fNIRS: An Adult Replication Study and Early Childhood Longitudinal Study. Carnegie Mellon University’s Meeting of the Minds Undergraduate Research Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA. [Recorded Presentation]

  66. *Anjur, K. [Carnegie Mellon University Small Undergraduate Research Grant Funding Recipient], *Mester, A., *Yang, S., *Komar, M., *Ma, A., *Whitfield, G., *Moron, S., Thiessen, E., Fisher, A., & †Eng, C. (2021). Promoting Cognitive Engagement and Physical Activity in Virtual Reality. Carnegie Mellon University’s Meeting of the Minds Undergraduate Research Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA. [Recorded Presentation] [Carnegie Mellon University Small Research Grant (SURG) Recipients]

  67. Eng, C.M. (2020). Physically-active Gameplay as a Context for Fostering Executive Function and Prefrontal Cortex Development. Invited Speaker at Stanford University’s Workforce Learning Future of Work Group. Moderator: Schwartz, D.

  68. *Cooper, K. [Carnegie Mellon University Presentation Award Recipient and Porges Research Fellowship Recipient], Fisher, A., & †Eng, C. (2021). Using fNIRS to Examine the Association Between Resting-State Prefrontal Cortex Connectivity and Later Verbal Ability. Carnegie Mellon University’s Meeting of the Minds Undergraduate Research Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA.

  69. *Bulusu, M., *Anjur, K., Fisher, A., & †Eng, C. (2021). Optimizing Educational Reading Materials for Primary School Children: An Eye- Tracking Study. Carnegie Mellon University’s Meeting of the Minds Undergraduate Research Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA.

  70. Godwin, K., Musso, M., Eng, C.M., Kanyok, N., & Fisher, A. (2021). Book Design and Attentional Competition while Reading: Parental Perspectives vs. Children’s Eye Tracking Performance. The Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.

  71. *Cooper, K. [Carnegie Mellon University Presentation Award Recipient and Porges Research Fellowship Recipient], *Pocsai, M., Fisher, A., & †Eng, C. (2020). Longitudinal Investigation of Resting-State Prefrontal Cortex Connectivity and Educational Outcomes Using Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS). The Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students Austin, TX.

  72. *Bulusu, M. [ABRCMS Presentation Award and Carnegie Mellon University Presentation Award Recipient], Godwin, K., *Stanley, O., Fisher, A., & †Eng, C. (2020). Optimizing Attentional Control of Visual Materials for Beginning Readers: An Eye-Tracking Study. The Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students, Austin, TX. [Recorded Presentation]

  73. Bell, M.A., Broomell, A.P.R., & Eng, C.M. (2020). Sex Differences in EEG Coherence Across Infancy and Early Childhood. The 53rd International Society for Developmental Psychobiology Meeting.

  74. Eng, C.M. & McDonald, M. (2020). Cognitive Skills, Language Development, and The Brain: Employing the Neuroscience of Learning to Create More Effective VR/AR/XR Experiences. Educators in VR: Integrating Spatial Technologies into Education and Training, AltspaceVR Platform, Virtual Reality. [Recorded Presentation]

  75. Eng, C.M. [GSA/Provost Carnegie Mellon University Presentation Award Recipient], *Calkosz, D., *Yang, Y., *Williams, C., Thiessen, E., & Fisher, A. (2020). Enhancing Brain Plasticity and Cognition utilizing Immersive Technology and Virtual Reality Contexts for Gameplay. The International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, VirBELA, Virtual Reality.

  76. Eng, C.M., *Pocsai, M., Fishburn, F., *Williams, N., *Calkosz, D., Thiessen, E., & Fisher, A. (2020). Effects of Physically-active Digital Games on Executive Function and Resting Prefrontal Cortex Connectivity in Children. The Annual Interdisciplinary Innovation with Impact Exhibition, Pittsburgh, PA.

  77. Eng, C.M., Ochoa Fernández, C. J., & Alexander, K. (2020). The Neuroscience of Learning in Virtual and Augmented Reality Contexts. VRARA Education Committee: Best Practices, Guidelines, and Call to Actions for Education.

  78. Eng, C.M., Johnson-Glenberg, M., Brenner, C., & Alexander, K. (2020). Enhanced Learning Through Multimodal Play: Brain Plasticity Applications through the Intersection of Cognitive Neuroscience, Prevention Science and Educational Psychology. Invited Speaker at the Career Professional Development in VR Series: How Active VR Games Contribute to Learning Symposium. ENGAGE Platform, Virtual Reality. [Blog Post by C. Brenner]

  79. Bell, M.A., Broomell, A.P.R., & Eng, C.M. (2020). EEG power and coherence show sex differences in brain development across the first two years [poster accepted but not presented due to COVID-19 pandemic]. American Psychological Association, Washington DC.

  80. Eng, C.M. [Graduate Student Top Research Symposium Award Recipient] (2019). Education and the Brain, a Bridge Not Too Far: Game-Based Assessment and Neuroplasticity. Invited Speaker at the National Science Foundation (NSF)-sponsored Conference: Game-based Assessment: An Interdisciplinary Workshop Integrating Organizations, Education, and Assessment, Minneapolis, MN.

  81. Eng, C.M. [GSA/Provost Carnegie Mellon University Presentation Award Recipient], *Pocsai, M., *Williams, N., *Calkosz, D., Thiessen, E., & Fisher, A. (2019). Effects of Cognitive-Motor Training on Executive Function and Resting Prefrontal Cortex Connectivity in Preschool Children: an fNIRS Study. The Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Chicago, IL.

  82. *Tsegai-Moore, A. [ABRCMS Presentation Award and Stony Brook Travel Award Recipient], Fisher, A., & †Eng, C. (2019). Cognitive Game-based Assessment Performance, Educational Outcomes, and Prefrontal Cortex Connectivity. Presentation at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students, Anaheim, CA.

  83. *Stanley, O., *Boyle, K., Fisher, A., & Eng, C.M. (2019). The Effects of Book Design on Beginning Reader’s Visual Attention and Reading Comprehension: An Eye-Tracking Study. Presentation at The Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation’s Teaching and Learning Summit, Pittsburgh, PA.

  84. Eng, C.M. [Eunice Kennedy Shriver NIH (NICHD), Division of Developmental Neuroscience in Psychiatry at Columbia University, John Wiley and Sons Publishing ISDP Travel Award Recipient], *Pocsai, M., *Williams, N., *Calkosz, D., Fisher, A., & Thiessen, E. (2019). Effects of Exergame Training on Executive Function and Resting Prefrontal Cortex Connectivity in Preschool Children: an fNIRS Study. Presentation at the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, Chicago, IL.

  85. Eng, C.M. (2019). The Effects of Cognitive-Motor Training on Resting State Prefrontal Cortex Connectivity and Executive Function in Preschool Children. Presentation at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health Training Grant Retreat in Population Neuroscience, Pittsburgh, PA.

  86. Eng, C.M. [GSA/Provost Carnegie Mellon University Presentation Award Recipient], Godwin, K., *Boyle, K., & Fisher, A. (2019). Effects of Book Design on 1st and 2nd Grade Children’s Attention and Learning. Presentation at the Society for Research in Child Development Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

  87. Eng, C.M., Godwin, K., *Boyle, K., & Fisher, A. (2019). Effects of Book Design on Attention and Reading Comprehension Among Children Ages 6 to 8: An Eye-Tracking Study. Presentation at the Annual Interdisciplinary Innovation with Impact Exhibition, Pittsburgh, PA.

  88. *Moron, S., *Noll, E., *Zhang, K., *Fulton, E., *Williams, N., *Calkosz, D., *Anjur, K., *Tan, B., *Ang, N., & †Eng, C. (2019). Enhancing Executive Function in Preschool Children: Generalizability and Long-term Effects of Cognitive-Motor Training. Presentation at Carnegie Mellon University’s Meeting of the Minds Undergraduate Research Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA. [Carnegie Mellon University 2nd place Award for Outstanding Research in Psychology]

  89. *Williams, N., *Calkosz, D., *Anjur, K., *Mester, M., *Lee, E., & †Eng, C. (2019). Exercise-Based Cognitive Flexibility Training in Virtual Reality. Presentation at Carnegie Mellon University’s Meeting of the Minds Undergraduate Research Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA.

  90. *Kim, J., *Wen, Y., *Yoon, J., *Zhao, W., & †Eng, C. (2019). Utilizing Infant EEG Brain Patterns to Predict Childhood ADHD. Presentation at Carnegie Mellon University’s Meeting of the Minds Undergraduate Research Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA.

  91. *Cao, G., *Kim, Y., *Shi, X., *Yannekis, T., & †Eng, C. (2019). Utilizing a Random Forest Learning Algorithm to Predict Whether Streamlined Books Improve Young Students' Reading Comprehension. Presentation at Carnegie Mellon University’s Meeting of the Minds Undergraduate Research Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA.

  92. Fisher, A., Eng, C.M., Godwin, K., (2019). The Role of Attention Regulation in Reading Comprehension in Beginning Readers. Learning in a Noisy World: Regulating Children’s Attention at Home and at School Paper Symposium at the Society for Research in Child Development Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

  93. Godwin, K., Murray, G., Todaro, R., Eng, C.M., Wildrick, A., Fisher, A. (2019). Design Optimization: Exploration of Book Design and its Effect on Children’s Attention, Decoding, and Comprehension. Presentation at the Society for Research in Child Development Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

  94. Eng, C.M. [GSA/Provost Carnegie Mellon University Presentation Award and Eunice Kennedy Shriver NIH (NICHD), Division of Developmental Neuroscience in Psychiatry at Columbia University, John Wiley and Sons Publishing ISDP Travel Award Recipient], Godwin, K., *Boyle, K., & Fisher, A. (2018). Effects of Book Design on Children’s Attention Allocation and Learning: An Eye-tracking Study. Presentation at the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology Meeting, San Diego, CA.

  95. *Pocsai, M. & †Eng, C. (2018). An Exercise-based Interactive Game to Aid Cognition in Young Children. Presentation at The Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation’s Teaching and Learning Summit, Pittsburgh, PA.

  96. Godwin, K., Eng, C.M., Todaro, R., Murray, G., & Fisher, A. (2018). Examination of the Role of Book Layout, Executive Function, and Processing Speed on Children’s Reading Fluency and Comprehension. Presentation at the Cognitive Science Society Annual Meeting, Madison, WI.

  97. Eng, C.M., Tomasic, A., & Thiessen, E. (2018). The Effects of an Interactive Digital Storybook on Children’s Story Comprehension and the Role of Individual Differences in Attention. Presentation at the Annual Innovation with Impact Exhibition, Pittsburgh, PA.

  98. Eng, C.M., Patton, L.A., & Bell, M.A. (2018). Infant EEG Power and Coherence: Potential Indicators of Childhood AD/HD. Presentation at The Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Philadelphia, PA.

  99. Fisher, A., Eng, C.M., & Godwin, K. (2018). Attention Regulation and Learning in Beginning Readers. Presentation at the 6th Biennial Conference of the International Mind, Brain and Education Society, Los Angeles, CA.

  100. *Williams, N., *Tan, B., *Ang, N., *Anjur, K., *Calkosz, D., & †Eng, C. (2018). An “Exergame” Intervention to Aid Inhibitory Control Development in Preschool Children. Presentation at Carnegie Mellon University’s Meeting of the Minds Undergraduate Research Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA.

  101. *Calkosz, D., *Tan, B., *Ang, N., *Lee, Y., & †Eng, C. (2018). Optimizing Data Collection and Assessment of Inhibitory Control in Preschool Children. Presentation at Carnegie Mellon University’s Meeting of the Minds Undergraduate Research Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA.

  102. *Tang, G., *Tan, B., & †Eng, C. (2018). Detecting Signs of ADHD in Infancy. Presentation at Carnegie Mellon University’s Meeting of the Minds Undergraduate Research Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA.

  103. Eng, C.M. [GSA/Provost Carnegie Mellon University Presentation Award Recipient], Tomasic, A., & Thiessen, E. (2017). The Effects of an Interactive Digital Storybook on Children’s Story Comprehension and the Role of Individual Differences in Attention. Presentation at the Cognitive Development Society Conference, Portland, OH.

  104. Godwin, K., Eng, C.M., & Fisher, A. (2017). Effect of Proximity of Illustrations to Text on Beginning Readers Fluency and Comprehension. Presentation at the Cognitive Development Society Conference, Portland, OH.

  105. Eng, C.M., *Boyle, K., & Fisher, A. (2017). Illustration Design and Beginning Readers’ Attention Allocation and Comprehension. Presentation at The Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation’s Teaching and Learning Summit, Pittsburgh, PA.

  106. Eng, C.M., Tomasic, A., & Thiessen, E. (2017). Traditional Storybooks vs. Interactive iPads: Effects on Infant Vocalizations. Presentation at the Jean Piaget Society Annual Meeting: Technologies & Human Development, San Francisco, CA.

  107. Eng, C.M. & Bell, M.A. (2017). Attention-related EEG and Behavior in Infancy: Potential Indicators of Childhood AD/HD. Presentation at the Annual Innovation with Impact Exhibition, Pittsburgh, PA.

  108. Eng, C.M. [Carnegie Mellon University Presentation Award and Eunice Kennedy Shriver NIH (NICHD), Division of Developmental Neuroscience in Psychiatry at Columbia University, John Wiley and Sons Publishing ISDP Travel Award Recipient], Patton, L.A., & Bell, M.A. (2016). Infant Attention & Corresponding EEG: Potential Indicators of Childhood AD/HD. Presentation at the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, San Diego, CA.

  109. Eng, C.M., Patton, L.A., & Bell, M.A. (2016). Infant brain and behavior during an attention task: Potential biomarkers of Childhood AD/HD. Presentation at the Virginia-Nordic Precision Neuroscience Conference, Roanoke VA.

  110. Eng, C.M., Calkins, S., & Bell, M.A. (2016). Sex Differences in Attention Behavior and Attention-Related EEG at 5 and 10 Months. Presentation at the Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, LA.

  111. Pawlo, E., Eng, C.M., Lakshmanan, G., DiDonato, M., Schloss, B., Bryk, K., & Berenbaum, S. (2015). Is Personality Related to Timing of Participation in Psychology Studies? Presentation at the International Honor Society in Psychology Psi Chi Research Conference, University Park, PA.